Volatility 2.6 Commands

If using Windows, rename the it’ll be volatility.exe.

If using SIFT, use vol.py

List all commands

volatility -h

Get Profile of Image

volatility -f image.mem imageinfo

List Processes in Image

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x pslist

List Processes in process tree format

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x pslist

List Processes by scanning image for EPROCESS blocks

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x psscan

List Processes Command Line Arguments

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x cmdline

List Registry files in memory

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x hivelist

Dump Registry files in memory

Get Virtual Address from the hivelist command first

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x dumpregistry -o <virtual memory offset> –dump-dir=./

List specific Process DLLs and Command Line Arguments

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x dlllist -p x

-p x = specific process ID

List SIDs (primary token and user account name) used to start specific process

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x getsids -p x

-p x = specific process ID

Dump Process

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x procdump -p xx –dump-dir==.

Dump Memory Section

volatility -f image.mem –profile=x memdump-p xx –dump-dir==.

SIFT specific commands, Windows version of Volatility doesn’t have these

Identify processes with potentially wrong path, parent, cmdline

vol.py -f image.mem –profile=x malprocfind

Look for processes with most amounts of “false”

Visualize processes

vol.py -f image.mem –profile=x pstotal –cmd –output=dot –output-file=graph.dot

xdot graph.dot

Compare baseline memdump to suspect memdump, to identify processes that were present in suspect memdump, but not in baseline memdump

vol.py -f image.mem –profile=x -B baseline.img processbl -U 2>>error.log

Compare baseline memdump to suspect memdump to identify processes that were present in both baselin and suspect memdump

vol.py -f image.mem –profile=x -B baseline.img processbl 2>>error.log

2>>error.log = output error to error.log

Look at PFound column. “True” if process can be found in baseline. False if it’s not.


Viewing and Mounting Shadow Copy in SIFT

To view Shadow Copy snapshots

  1. Mount the image in SIFT (https://benleeyr.wordpress.com/2020/05/24/mounting-e01-in-sift/)
  2. vshadowinfo /mnt/ewf_mount/ewf1

Substitute 1 with any other number depending on which folder the EWF is mounted at

To Mount Shadow Copy snapshots

  1. vshadowmount /mnt/ewf_mount/ewf1 /mnt/vss
  2. cd /mnt/vss
  3. for i in vss*; do mountwin $i /mnt/shadow_mount/$i; done
  4. cd /mnt/shadow_mount
  5. ls